Safari Dos

After more than 20 years taking Safari holidays I wanted to share some ideas to help you get the most out of what should be the experience of a lifetime.

This is a list of things to do, you might also check out though the list of things to watch out for or avoid.

Safari Dos

  1. Make sure you take a pair of binoculars and if you are travelling with a group or as a couple make sure everyone has a pair. It is really frustrating to be at a wildlife sighting and either not being able to see it up close or having to readjust binoculars after someone else has used them.
  2. Take a decent camera. You don't need a big SLR with massive grey telephoto lens (though you will certainly see plenty of these about), but a phone or tablet just won't do (and you'll look pretty lame!).
  3. Do trust your safari guides - animals in the bush are not on some sort of set ordered list with locations. Your guide will know what to look for (sometimes even tracking game)
  4. Take a hat and make sure it will stay on your head - stopping a game drive to retrieve a blown off hat is embarrassing and don't forget your sunscreen and shades.
  5. Remember it can be chilly (and even downright cold) on a safari drive - so remember to take lightweight warm clothing which can be taken off or put on in layers. - and don't forget gloves - it would be a shame to have a great game drive spoilt by cold hands.
  6. A bit of research before you go will help you get the most out of the experience. I'm not suggesting you study to be a field guide but some basic knowledge of the animals you are going to see will help. If nothing else it ensures you won't make yourself look like a numpty like the lady on one game drive who asked "Do the Elephant eat the Impala?" (and yes, before you ask she was American).
  7. Be prepared for some early starts -most game drives will set off at dawn, and you'll be given an alarm call about 30 mins before that. A good tip is to prep everything you will wear and take with you the night before just as you go to bed. Holding people up is a cardinal sin on game drives.

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