Tuesday, July 19, 2022

2022 South Luangwa - A return to Eden


So finally in June 2022 we managed to return to our spiritual home - the South Luangwa Valley.

After having two previous trips we had booked cancelled because of Covid 19 it was a relief to arrive at Mfuwe airport to be greeted by Kennedy, one of the safari guides at Flatdogs Camp.

Our itinerary for this trip was to take in a night at Flatdogs followed by three nights at Nsefu then four at Tena Tena (both Robin Pope Camps), then four nights at Nkonzi before returning to Flatdogs Camp for six nights.

Our longest trip yet (paid for by our money from the Covid cancellations) was going to give us more time in the bush than ever before and would lead to experiences we could only have dreamt of.

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