Thursday, July 21, 2022

Tracking Lion leads to Leopard

Our walking safari this morning led us to a new experience.

We had heard Lion mating the previous night (in itself a special experience). Knowing they were not far from camp Gavin led us the next morning on an expedition on foot to see if we could track them down.

 With our trusty ranger Isiah out at the front with his rifle and the sharpest of eyes, we set out to follow the Lion tracks.

Once more, we were lucky to have people in the group who understood the importance of keeping quiet, wearing the right clothes and walking as a group, for whilst we eventually lost the Lion tracks, we were treated to the sight of a Leopard less than 100m away.

To see this elusive creature on foot is very special.

The first indication was the alarm calls of a troop of Baboons, then Monkeys heading for the trees and alarm calls of birds. 

Quietly making our way along a narrow track we rounded a corner to see the Leopard calmly trot off just a few metres to our front. Another example of the fact you never know what to expect on safari, but behave well, respect and understand nature and your chances of seeing something special increase dramatically.

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