Thursday, July 21, 2022

Walking Wild

At Tena Tena Camp we had the privilege of walking with senior guide Bertram, seen here showing how close we were able to get to some of the fantastic game to be seen in the area.

Walks are rarely long in distance and starting at just after 6am you are normally back in Camp for 10 - 1030 before it gets unpleasantly hot for walking. 

Most of the time walks are about the little stuff - plants, insects, tracks - all the things one can easily miss on a vehicle safari. 

But with a good guide and a group who follow the rules and stay quiet, move in single file and stick together, it is possible to see animals at quite close quarters. 

On this walk we had the treat of seeing Wild Dogs just a few hundred metres out of Camp. On their early morning hunt two ran within 50m of us. A very rare experience and so unexpected I was unable to get any pictures. The Giraffe were much more accommodating.


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