Monday, August 10, 2015

The bimble with the tumble

 One of the fantastic things about the two bush camps run by shenton Safaris , mwamba and Kaingo is that it's possible to opt to walk between them rather than be driven from one to another.

The walk is about 7km and takes three hours or so. On the way you encounter whatever the African bush throws your way.

Here we are setting off from Mwamba camp, just the two of us, our guide Patrick and armed scout Edgar.

 First we got a lesson in termites and how some use mud to shade themselves when working on a tree.
 Then the mood changed. Edgar (AKA "The President"), our scout, spotted a pride of Lion about 100m away. The matriarch was lying out to the front and could clearly see us. In lion terms 100m is about 6 seconds of running.

You can just about make out some of them just over Edgar's left shoulder.
 This was just the point, as we quietly watched them watching us, that Jane fell over. The ground was pretty rough and a misplaced footfall sent her tumbling down. We held our breaths - would this provoke the lion?

Not at all - Lion like their sleep and this pride wasn't for charging around - even for a tasty white woman writhing on the ground.
As we walked on from our fantastic Lion spot I noticed how the group was walking so much closer together.

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