Monday, August 10, 2015

Glossy Ibis

This is the Glossy Ibis, a fairly common bird around water courses. It has a wonderful shine to its feathers, which this picture only hints at.

This is the most widespread ibis species, breeding in scattered sites in warm regions of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Atlantic and Caribbean regions of the Americas.

It is thought to have originated in the Old World and spread naturally from Africa to northern South America in the 19th century, from where it spread to North America.

This species is migratory; most European birds winter in Africa, and in North America birds from north of the Carolinas winter farther south. Birds from other populations may disperse widely outside the breeding season. While generally declining in Europe, it has recently established a breeding colony in southern Spain, and there appears to be a growing trend for the Spanish birds to winter in Britain and Ireland, with at least 22 sightings in 2010.

In 2014, a pair attempted to breed in Lincolnshire, the first such attempt in Britain - so maybe we'll see them closer to home in future.

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