Monday, August 10, 2015

Leopard reflection

On a trip where Leopard were most certainly the stars of the show this one was very, very special.

As we drove early one morning from Kaingo bush camp to the river crossing point that would take us to the other side of the Luangwa river to Tena Tena, we stopped for coffee.

About 250m downstream we saw this Leopard on a sand bank in the river drinking. Immediately after this shot it leapt perhaps 5m to shore and trotted off up the sand to the bush beyond.

Little did we know that this action had, in fact, taken place on the sand bar immediately to the front of our tent at Tena Tena camp, which nestles under the trees along the edge of the main river channel.

This leopard was a mere 200m from what was to become our front door for the next four nights.

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