Wednesday, July 09, 2014

The gardener

On our last game drive of the holiday we watched this big boy push over the tree.

Partly because he wanted to reach the fresh green leaves high up, and partly because he was in "must" and 'cos he could.

Just love Eles.

Dinner time

Table set for dinner - Umlani Bush Camp 

Hairy neck

Wonderful Giraffe with flowing main.

Mother and baby doing fine

Mother and calf Rhino.

As we watched them the calf began to call its mother - the best description of a Rhino call has to be a dogs squeaky toy. Uber cute it has to be said.

Turtle aircraft carrier

A Turtle catches a few rays on the flat top of a co-operative Hippo

Bush Walk

Bush walk with our guide Sinhle.

The buzz from bumping into Buffalo in the bush was fantastic - not sure who was more surprised. Us or them. Sorry no pics - I was focussed on being ready to run for it.

Home from Home

Umlani Bush Camp.

The Deadwood Stage

It's obviously a cliché, but you can't beat a dead tree sky-lined against the African sunset to express the tranquil grandeur of the bush.

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Wild Dog portrait

More Wild Dog

Resting before the hunt. These animals are some of the most successful predators in Africa - sadly pushed to the brink of extinction by man. 

Wild Dogs

For the second day running we saw Wild Dogs. A real treat and as always a privilege to see such wonderful animals.

Stripes go to the bar

We watched these Zebra drinking at Marco's Dam from the tree house.

It's tough at the top

My view out of the tree house at Marco's Dam where we spent a couple of wonderful mornings in the tranquillity of the African Bush just listening to the birds and watching the wildlife come down to drink.

Wild eyes

Leopard in tree

Our favourite Leopard

Marula Mafusi

Sunset horizon

Buffalo Bath Time

Huge herd of Buffalo at Marco's Dam near Umlani Bush Camp 

Coffee by the fire.

Breakfast coffee awaits.

Chomp, chomp, chomp

Rhino portrait

Rhino in the Timbavati.

If ever an animal typifies man's crass lack of understanding what real value is.

Rush Hour!

The long and winding road. One of the tracks near Umlani in the Timbavati.

This is the African Bush - Heaven on Earth

Grey Heron - Timbavati

Elephant Breakfast.

Breakfast in the bush.

Flying Dog

Our favourite animals by a country mile - Wild dogs - and this one could levitate!

A dash of Kingfisher colour

Wooly Necked Stork

Sundown in Timbavati

Lace-work of the trees

Delicate lace like patterns in the trees of the Timbavati Reserve


"Whatchoo lookin at?"

Umlani Leopard

 Two shots of a Leopard we saw on our first drive at Umlani this year.

Calm Waters

Refection in the calm waters of one of the dams near Umlani Bush camp in the Timbavati Reserve South Africa