Saturday, October 26, 2013

And last but not least for the pictures of South Africa 2013....

Over the past 20 years we've been on Safari almost every year and we have seen a huge number of different animals.

One of the species to allude us was the Pangolin - so it was a fantastic surprise to encounter one this time in Sabi Sands near Nottens Bush Camp.

A measure of how special a sighting this was is that when we saw it all the guides in the vehicles that came to see it were getting their cameras out. For more info on these fantastic creatures African Wildlife Foundation - Pangolin info.

A very special moment.

(Now just the Aardvark has to be spotted.................... next time we hope).


Monkey in the dining room at Nottens

This fella was keen to join us for our last breakfast at Nottens Bush Camp.

Hyena at Nottens Bush Camp

Hyena heading home

Birdlife at Nottens Bush Camp

Grey Heron and refelction

It's the Woody Woodpecker show

Woodpecker on a tree just outside the dining area at Nottens Bush Camp

Vulture perch

It can be a lonely business awaiting for your dinner to come along.

Treeful of Monkeys near Nottens Bush Camp

The Monkey Puzzle Tree.
The puzzle was how many were there?

Leopard relaxing

Very relaxed Leopard

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Parrot on perch

Once seen in the wild you can never think of it as fair to put such beautiful birds in a cage.

Afternoon siesta

High Tea

Camp Fire at Nottens

Dinner at Nottens Bush Camp

Candle light at Nottens Bush Camp

Africa by candle light

Nottens Bush Camp - Sabi Sands Reserve South Africa

Dinner outside at Nottens Bush Camp

Another day in paradise

Buffalo skull

One that didn't get away

Zebra in Sabi Sabi

Herd of Zebra
(Yes of course I have)
In fact to be a total smartarse - the collective noun for Zebra is a "dazzle"

Bathroom view - Nottens Bush Camp

Not a bad view from a bathroom

Lioness and young

Mum and cubs

Ox Peckers

Red Billed Ox Peckers

Relaxing in the tree

It sure is tough at the top

Leopard in tree

The treed Leopard
Two Lions with a Kill had chased him up the tree when he tried to steal a bit of their buffalo

Early evening sky South Africa

Moonrise over the bush

Night night

Sabi Sunset

Another day finishes in Sabi Sands


A koran

Buffalo and Ox Peckers

Buffalo with Ox Pecker birds

Buffalo herd

Buffalo just chillin

Wonderful wetlands

One of the wonderful small river valleys in Sabi Sands

Close Rhino encounter

Anyone else want the front seat?

African sun 2013

To brighten up a dark Autumn evening I thought I'd share a bit more African sun