Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Delta from the air.

Reflections on the Delta.

The Okavango Delta. Paradise on Earth.

One of the many islands in the Okavango Delta.

Reeds for thatch waiting for a house.

After a few trips, nipping behind a bush for a wee loses it's sense of risk - until that is you look up and see, fluttering just in front of you, a freshly shed skin from an Angolan Spitting Cobra. Botswana 2007.

Wildlife encounters can be close and unexpected. Botswana 2007.

You wonder what's going on behind those eyes. We watched a pride of lions in Zambia lounging near a river bank. A light aircraft flew over, many hundreds of feet up. Every one of the pride looked up and followed the path of the plane until it was out of sight.
Hippo in weed. Zambia
Zambian sunset - Kafue