Saturday, July 15, 2006

By far the best way to see the Okavango Delta is being poled in a Mokoro. The quiet plop and splash of the pole is the only human sound to break the timeless symphony of nature which surrounds you. Posted by Picasa
Botswana 2001.
Whilst being taken into the Okavango Delta by canoe we came across a hippo which villagers had killed and had butchered for meat.
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Okavango sunset Botswana 2001 Posted by Picasa
It was difficult to tell where the seals finished and the polished rocks and sand started. Posted by Picasa
Namibia 2001
Africa is so diverse and full of things you never expect. Seals at Cape Cross in Namibia, thousands all beached up sun bathing. And two days before we had been watching elephants in almost desert conditions. Posted by Picasa