Saturday, May 20, 2006

Cheetah with kill - Deception Valley, Central kalahari Posted by Picasa
Lioness in rain- Nxai Pan Posted by Picasa
Rain in Nxai Pan Posted by Picasa
There's a fair chance this is my lion. We tracked it for 30km from our camp site, where the night before I had come face to face with a big male lion when I left our tent to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. Posted by Picasa
Mother Cheetah and young - Deception Valley, Central Kalahari  Posted by Picasa
Our last trip to africa was to Botswana, our favorite country. Here's a selection of the wonderful things we saw and experienced while we were out there just after the end of the rainy season in the Kalahari.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Tales from the bush is a blog by two Africa fans, both smitten with the beauty and excitement of the bush. Miles from civilization of any sort this is our record of experiences, funny, sad, exciting and visually attractive, but all "out of Africa".